
15 Minute Workout

So really how effective can a 15 minute workout really be? All though I don’t know the science behind that answer, what I do know, is that it can do wonders for me! With Covid still much a part of our daily lives and we may be spending more time with our immediate family members, particularly children then normal, 15 minutes can be just what we need to recharge our batteries.

I love my girls to death but we DO need time apart from each other(Amiyah I know you’re reading this, Love you). Luna is at a stage where she’s learning how to communicate and a lot of time that comes out as whining, yelling, temper tantrums and/or throwing things. So needless to say it can be a bit overwhelming.

Lately with my Peloton After Dark workouts, I’ve allowed myself to be OK with only working out for 15 minutes and not feel bad about it. Before I used to beat myself up if I wasn’t able to dedicate at least an hour to working out. Now sometimes all I need is 15 minutes. 15 minutes to be in my own space, 15 minutes to be in my own head, 15 minutes to sweat and 15 minutes to release happy endorphins!

YES, a 15 minute workout is effective, maybe not for the ideal body(overtime it can be) but at least for a mental reset! It’s amazing what 15 minutes can do for you mentally. So don’t feel bad if you don’t have time to dedicate an hour to working out. Anytime is better then none! I’ve discovered some great 15 minute Peloton rides on demand, especially with Tunde. Go take her 15 minute ride from 7/9/20, you’ll be happy you did! ~Selena