
I’m on a Journey|W1D1

Today is the start of a new week and the start of an 8 week fitness challenge that I am taking part in. A former co-worker shared her fitness results from a challenge she participated in and she was up for the prize money of $10K. Her results were amazing and I went to vote for her and started looking at the other contestants and their results and wanted to know more about the program.

I’m a pretty self sufficient person so I like to do research on my own and not pester others. It’s amazing what you can find by doing a Google search or in this case a social media search. I found the Facebook page she referenced and saw they had a challenge starting on 9/14/20.

We had just got back from our anniversary trip (more on that later) and had already said we were planning to get back on track. I mean we hadn’t had a trip with just the two of us in probably 2 years so lets say we enjoyed ourselves and the wine!

Upon doing research I learned that their were no diet pills, shakes or supplements of any kind. That’s what I was worried about. It was just good ole healthy eating and exercise. I later found out it involved Intermittent Fasting, which I had been doing since January but had planned to stop because I didn’t feel I was eating enough.

I was eating 1 meal a day and 2 snacks and usually fasting anywhere from 18-22 hours. I initially saw some results when I was eating clean but that slowed down, if not stopped. This program called for fasting ONLY 16 hours a day and the first week eating 3 meals…SOLD!

The program seems similar to Keto just minus the cheese and maybe fatty meats. I haven’t done much research on Keto so the fatty meats might not be a true statement but I’m pretty sure this is a little stricter.

I’m excited to embark on this journey for the next 8 weeks and beyond! I even got my sister, and 2 other friends to go on this journey with me. Well they might have just decided themselves after I shared the Facebook page and pictures.

I’m praying this is more then just a weight loss transformation. I’m searching for clarity and guidance along the way. I feel as though I’m at a place in my life where I’m not sure which direction I should go in or what my purpose is. I’m a very creative person and in that creativity I can sometimes get lost, in knowing what direction I should go in. My passion has always been fitness yet I feel as though I’ve lost my voice when it comes to sharing my fitness journey. Time to find it again!!

Starting Point: September 13

  • Weight: 178.7 (I haven’t looked at the scale since January)
  • Body Fat%: 37.8% (according to my Fitbit scale)
  • Chest: 37 5/16
  • Waist: 38 7/8
  • Bicep: (R) 12 1/8 (L) 12 6/8
  • Hips: 41 13/16
  • Thigh: (R) 24 1/16 (L) 24 3/16

My Wellness Goals:

Over the next 8 weeks my goal is to lose 40lbs and build muscle. I want to increase my distance on the Peloton 10 minute run. I want to be able to run a mile, plus! The program calls for working out 6 days a week and I’d like to do yoga on day 7. I struggle with water so my goal is to make sure I drink my 1 gallon of water a day.

I plan to blog every day for the next 8 weeks and do a recap from the day prior. I’m excited about this journey and praying for a transformation from the inside out! ~Selena