
On Wednesdays We Date|W2D3

We’ve been watching a series called Black Love and its currently on season 2. We love the show because it’s so relatable yet we can find some golden nuggets from the various married couples. On one of the most recent episodes one of the couples said they chose a date night and they stick to it, I think it was Tuesday. So she said on Tuesday’s we date, no matter what.

After that episode we decided on Wednesday’s we date! His day off during the week is pretty flexible so we figured Wednesday would be a perfect day. Tonight was our first date night and he put together a paint and sip. Since we’re doing the 8 week challenge we sipped on some water but he did have wine as an option but nah we have goals to crush.

I’m no Picasso but I think we did pretty well if I do say so myself. It was fun and due to Covid I’m sure there will be a lot more date night in’s. I’m not an artist but I did enjoy painting. I think that’s the creative in me. I love to see things come to life.

On to today’s circuit, well it kicked my butt! I have a love hate relationship with Bulgarian squats and I had to do 5 rounds on each leg, ouch! On the other hand I love that it targets quads so well so I pushed through like a champ. I added some cardio and ended with a 30 minute session in my sauna blanket.

Today’s Meals:

  • Meal 1: Vegetable Egg White Omelette (of course), grapefruit & PB
  • Meal 2: Hamburger Steak w/sautéed cabbage, nuts & orange
  • Meal 3: Salmon, asparagus, apple w/PB

Today’s Workout:

  • 10 min Warmup Run
  • E2M Circuit
  • 20 min LHM Celebration Run
  • 10 min Cool Down Run

I still didn’t get up early this morning and workout like I had planned to but since he was off today I didn’t have to wait until nap time to workout. We’ll see what tomorrow brings!