
Cheat Meal|W2D5

The day has finally come! Week 2 cheat meal and I kept it simple. I went with the old faithful Chipotle w/chips and I went to a local bakery and picked up 2 cupcakes. Yes, not one but 2 cupcakes. I think I worked heard this week and earned them!

Yesterdays, I added a 15 min shoulders and arms workout and todays circuit was upper body focused and lets just saw my arms feel like jello. Next time I decide to throw in an extra strength workout I’ll make sure I look at the following days circuit.

Today’s Meals:

  • Meal 1: Veggie Egg White Omelette w/nuts and grapefruit
  • Meal 2: Chipotle Steak Bowl w/chips and 2 cupcakes

Todays Workout:

  • 10 min Warm Up Run
  • E2M Circuit
  • 5 min Warm Up Ride
  • 20 min Hip Hop Ride
  • 5 min Cool Down Ride
  • 10 min Cool Down Run