• Creative,  Fitness

    Great Day|W4D2

    Today was a very busy day for Embellished Dough but it was a great day! I have a feeling that good things are coming my way. I received a bunch of inquires today and secure a few new orders so October is shaping up to be a busy month and I’m so grateful. When it seems as though other areas of my life aren’t going well the best thing for me to do is keep busy and create! I’m going to pour my heart into my business and pray I get to a place where I can draw a salary. I’m so excited to see where Self-made takes my Embellished…

  • Fitness,  Lifestyle

    First Day of School|W4D1

    Today was the first day of the 10 week Selfmade course the I received a scholarship for and it went very well. We had a guest speaker and we were able to meet all the coaches. I’m still nervous yet excited about the next 10 weeks! Today was also the start of week 4 of the E2M Challenge. 3 weeks down and 5 more to go! I’ve had great progress so far and I hope my results continue to show. Like I always say I’m trusting the process. This week we do get to eat fruit but we don’t get to choose, it’s either grapefruit or an orange with every…

  • Fitness

    Selfmade| W3D3

    So I took a 3 day bootcamp class last week and there is a 10 week course that starts on Monday, October 5. The course is over $2K and unfortunately being a home based small business, I don’t have the money to invest in the course. They had a scholarship option and I applied for the scholarship. They stated they would notify recipients on October 2. Today while I was making Halloween cookie samples, I took a break to check my email and low and behold, I saw the words “Congrats! You’ve been awarded a Self-made Scholarship!” AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was beyond excited. I couldn’t even focus to finish decorating the…

  • Fitness

    New Product Launch| W3D2

    Yesterday I introduced my piñata cakes with Embellished Dough and the response has been great! I worked really heard on figuring out which chocolate worked best and also the timing for melting the chocolate. There is always room for improvement but I launched them anyways. Normally I would wait until they were “perfect” but I’m confident that I’ll produce a great product, so why not? I don’t have professional pictures but hopefully that will come in the future. The more I put myself out there showing that I’m perfectly imperfect, I pray that gets me closer to my goals and dreams. Now on to the challenge. Today all I can…

  • Fitness

    New Week|W3D1

    It’s a new week and we have a new meal plan and new workouts. I’m bummed that there isn’t any fruit on the list this week. That’s what saved me week 2 from sweet cravings. I lost 2.7lbs this week and I took pictures but the changes aren’t visible. I can definitely tell my body is changing. The first place I look is my midsection and for me I know that’s going to be the last place I see changes. I’ve always had love handles that just won’t go away! Overall I’m feeling optimistic about the program. Regardless of not having a six pack after 2 weeks (haha) I’m still…

  • Fitness

    On Wednesdays We Date|W2D3

    We’ve been watching a series called Black Love and its currently on season 2. We love the show because it’s so relatable yet we can find some golden nuggets from the various married couples. On one of the most recent episodes one of the couples said they chose a date night and they stick to it, I think it was Tuesday. So she said on Tuesday’s we date, no matter what. After that episode we decided on Wednesday’s we date! His day off during the week is pretty flexible so we figured Wednesday would be a perfect day. Tonight was our first date night and he put together a paint…

  • Fitness

    My Down”Fall”|W2D2

    Today is the first day of Fall. YES bring on the sweater weather! I feel we got a sneak peak of it this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited. I love fall because I get to wear sweaters, scarfs, boots and onesies!! Let’s not forget its the best cuddle weather! 🙂 One of the downsides of fall and winter is that it makes it so hard to get out of the bed early in the morning to workout. I’m so warm under the covers and the thought of getting out of my warm bed is tough. I’m not starting off on the right foot because I hit snooze for…

  • Fitness

    Week 1 Results|W2D1

    When I woke up this morning I was planning to get on the scale but I wasn’t going to look. But once I got on the scale I decided, why not! Regardless of what the number showed on the scale I was going to finish the 8 week challenge. I knew it would probably be higher then what showed when I lasted weighed. I can tell because my hands seems a little puffy. My weight was 165.8, up 2.3lbs from the morning of day 4 when I last weighed myself. I’m still down 12.9lbs for week one which is crazy! I’m sure a lot of that has to do with…

  • Fitness

    Meal Prep Sunday|W1D7

    I’m going to switch it up going forward. Instead of doing a recap from the day prior I’m going to do a recap at the end of each day. Since I do the recap at night, it just makes it easier for me to recall what I did that same day. So today I’ll do a recap of Saturday and Sunday. Saturday Recap Since we had our cheat meal yesterday we decided to do a long run Saturday. We ran 5 miles and the weather was perfect! It already felt like Fall even at 10AM. We averaged about an 11 minute mile. Over the course of these 8 weeks I…

  • Fitness

    Cheat Day|W1D6

    The day has FINALLY come, CHEAT DAY! We have worked hard over the past few days to eat right and stay on track and now its time to treat ourselves! We originally planned to have our cheat meal on Saturday and go on a day date but we are planning to do a long run on Saturday so we needed the fuel. We recently discovered a delicious Mediterranean restaurant not far from Antavis’ job and it’s our new favorite, yet healthy place to eat. I mean minus the feta fries but everything else seems so fresh and delicious. The place is called Kairos Mediterranean and their falafels are AMAZING!! When…