• Fitness

    Completed My 400th Peloton Ride|W1D5

    Today was a BIG milestone for me. I completed my 400th Peloton ride. Even though I’ve had the bike since 2016, I started working at Orangetheory in March of 2017. I coached there until February 2019 and during that time I only took a handful of rides. We got the Peloton Tread+ in January 2019 so once I had Luna I was using the tread more than the bike. I haven’t been riding consistently until this year. Needless to say I’m proud of myself for reaching this milestone. Every time I get on the bike though I realize that we need to recalibrate out bike because it’s so hard to…

  • Fitness

    I’m Weak|W1D4

    Today’s workout was a STRUGGLE for me! I didn’t think I was going to make it through today’s workout. Today was a circuit day and I have been adding cardio after my circuit days. With the lack of carbs I think I over did it. My body is trying to use the low amount of fuel to get me through these workouts. I’ve been working out early in the morning and I still have a few hours before I can have my first meal so its been challenging to make it through the workouts. Like I’ve mentioned before I have been lying in my sauna blanket after my workout so…

  • Fitness

    I’m on a Journey|W1D1

    Today is the start of a new week and the start of an 8 week fitness challenge that I am taking part in. A former co-worker shared her fitness results from a challenge she participated in and she was up for the prize money of $10K. Her results were amazing and I went to vote for her and started looking at the other contestants and their results and wanted to know more about the program. I’m a pretty self sufficient person so I like to do research on my own and not pester others. It’s amazing what you can find by doing a Google search or in this case a…

  • Fitness

    15 Minute Workout

    So really how effective can a 15 minute workout really be? All though I don’t know the science behind that answer, what I do know, is that it can do wonders for me! With Covid still much a part of our daily lives and we may be spending more time with our immediate family members, particularly children then normal, 15 minutes can be just what we need to recharge our batteries. I love my girls to death but we DO need time apart from each other(Amiyah I know you’re reading this, Love you). Luna is at a stage where she’s learning how to communicate and a lot of time that…

  • Fitness

    Peloton After Dark

    So when’s the perfect time to workout? Ideally I’d love to get up at 5AM, workout, meditate, read a daily devotion, journal, have a cup of green tea with a splash of lemon, all before the house gets moving. That sounds like the “perfect” start to a day but who am I kidding, I am NOT a morning person and I’m learning that things will never be “perfect”. Go figure, I used to get up around 3:30AM so that I could coach at Orangetheory just last year. That was only so that I could have the rest of the day to do what I wanted. Now I’m lucky if I’m…