
I Bought Bowls Today

I went to Publix today to pick up a few things for a new recipe that I wanted to try. Got home to prepare the meal and realized that I left off an important ingredient from the recipe. Thankfully Publix is less than 5 miles from me so I made another quick trip, only this time it wasn’t as quick because I got distracted by bowls and plates.

I was making a Shrimp Pad Thai and did a quick Google search while in my driveway on how I might want to plate the dish. I realized that chopsticks would be perfect. Once I arrived at Publix, I went to the section with the utensils and they didn’t have any chopsticks but this bowl caught my eye.

While passing the next aisle I saw they had these colorful plates and bowls that were only $1.99 and I had to have one, then one led to all four colors. I mean they were less than 2 bucks. So 4 bowls, 4 plates, a cup and a platter later I still had hope that I would find chopsticks maybe hanging from one of those strips in the aisle but no luck.

BUT…I did find a bamboo plate and larger bowl to go with the first bowl I found!! I was getting so excited because this meant it was official I was committing to blogging and making recipes. I mean I couldn’t be buying all of this stuff for nothing, right?

You know how you commit to working out and you join a gym. What’s the next thing that follows? You purchase new shoes, workout clothes and heaven forbid you don’t purchase another water bottle. The ten you already have in your cabinets didn’t get help you lose weight, so this new water bottle MUST be the ONE! So it’s kind of like that. I committed to blogging and I’ll be sharing recipes so naturally I have to purchase things to solidify my commitment. Now let me just stay off of Amazon looking for bowls. Haha

Oh I almost forgot, I did end up leaving Publix with chopsticks. I asked a guy at the service desk if they carried chopsticks, he thought for a second and said we have the free ones that are next to the sushi, SOLD! I said thanks, went to the back and grabbed some and checked out, lol.

I’m excited to share the recipe I made today with you. It was so good and my favorite thing about it was that it didn’t require a lot of ingredients and it was quick! There are a few things I will tweak for next time and I’ll share that as well but you’ll just have to wait until Monday. ~Selena