• Fitness

    15 Minute Workout

    So really how effective can a 15 minute workout really be? All though I don’t know the science behind that answer, what I do know, is that it can do wonders for me! With Covid still much a part of our daily lives and we may be spending more time with our immediate family members, particularly children then normal, 15 minutes can be just what we need to recharge our batteries. I love my girls to death but we DO need time apart from each other(Amiyah I know you’re reading this, Love you). Luna is at a stage where she’s learning how to communicate and a lot of time that…

  • Lifestyle

    Kitchen Reorganization Pt.1

    We’ve been in our current home for about a year and a half and its been full speed ahead ever since. I was about 5 months pregnant when we moved into our home, still trying to sell our old home (which I signed the papers the day prior to Luna arriving). So needless to say we haven’t taken the time to organize how we’d like. Luna is now one years old and a busy toddler. Antavis works full time, I’m trying to run a business so we are always on the go! Which leads us to the organized chaos that we’ve created. Recently I’ve become obsessed with organization accounts on…

  • Lifestyle

    Let’s Do This…

    I’ve been saying for years I wanted to blog. Don’t get me wrong I’ve done one in the past for a while but never on a consistent basis. I’m fortunate to be able to work from home so why not dive in, right? Well I can think of one reason and that’s because I’m a perfectionist and I feel as though everything has to be right and PERFECT! Ugh, I feel awful just reading that. But lets be honest, if you’re like me you’re attracted to people that are raw and authentic. As much as I’m attracted to those people I fail to present my truest most authentic self at…