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    Cheat Meal|W2D5

    The day has finally come! Week 2 cheat meal and I kept it simple. I went with the old faithful Chipotle w/chips and I went to a local bakery and picked up 2 cupcakes. Yes, not one but 2 cupcakes. I think I worked heard this week and earned them! Yesterdays, I added a 15 min shoulders and arms workout and todays circuit was upper body focused and lets just saw my arms feel like jello. Next time I decide to throw in an extra strength workout I’ll make sure I look at the following days circuit. Today’s Meals: Meal 1: Veggie Egg White Omelette w/nuts and grapefruit Meal 2:…

  • Fitness

    Cheat Day|W1D6

    The day has FINALLY come, CHEAT DAY! We have worked hard over the past few days to eat right and stay on track and now its time to treat ourselves! We originally planned to have our cheat meal on Saturday and go on a day date but we are planning to do a long run on Saturday so we needed the fuel. We recently discovered a delicious Mediterranean restaurant not far from Antavis’ job and it’s our new favorite, yet healthy place to eat. I mean minus the feta fries but everything else seems so fresh and delicious. The place is called Kairos Mediterranean and their falafels are AMAZING!! When…